Monday, October 15, 2018

Ultreya November 10, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

                               St. John's Cathedral 
             318 Silver SW, Albuquerque, NM   


The after Cursillo weekend Ultreya will be at the Cathedral starting at noon with a potluck. The Ultreya begins at 1:00 and ends around 3:00.  Everyone is invited to attend.  We are most especially looking forward to seeing sponsors and meeting the new Cursillistas.

                                     SEE YOU THERE!

As an ADDED BONUS  you can plan to come to St. John's Cathedral at 10:10 a.m. for an Armistice Day (now called Veterans Day) Concert of Psalms and Remembrance commemorating the 1918 Armistice that ended World War One.   The Cathedral Choir & Choristers will be performing Chichester Psalms, Leonard Bernstein and Requiem, Maurice Durufle.  There is no charge but a free offering donation is suggested.  

Monday, February 5, 2018

Cursillo Weekend 2018 Update

Cursillo Weekend 103J at Bishop's Ridge:    Stoney Camp and Recreation Center                  7855 Old Santa Fe Trail  

We are looking forward to Cursillo weekend 103J to be held October 11-14, 2018 at Bishops Ridge/Camp Stoney after a few years of being held at other venues.

LIVING WATER is the theme for the weekend.

Allow the Holy Spirit to Rekindle your Heart to "renew the face of the earth" (in the DRG).

Send your application in NOW so a team can form and Cursillo will continue to be renewed.


Please be in prayer to identify and sponsor candidates who God has already called to be a part of this weekend and  help them to get their applications completed and sent in.


  • Along with planning the Cursillo weekend the Secretariat is busy trying to coordinate an extensive list of Cursillistas by deanery and parish within that deanery.
  • Hold regular Ultreya's in the north and south.
  • Organize a Day of Deeper Understanding which is to reinforce the message that Cursillo is focused on the Fourth Day, providing a method for Christian growth and building community in our environments.

See Secretariat tab at top of page for contact information.